The concept of “Gurukulam” is a unique feature of the ancient Indian system of education, where the all round development of the student is taken care by the Guru, through his incessant training, nurturing, observation, guidance and inspiration.
Developing the physical, mental, emotional, aesthetic, intellectual and spiritual aspects of the human personality is the goal of Gurukulam system. Living with the Masters, the students learn the principles of right living by getting imbibed with strong personal, familial, social and spiritual value systems. The Vedas, Upanishads and innumerable ancient literature are the fountainhead of knowledge. Samskrit, unquestionably one of the oldest languages and grammatically and phonetically a perfect language, remains the epitome of Indian culture and heritage.
The vast Samskrit literature encompassing in itself a variety of stories, mythologies and legends have always played a pivotal role in instilling strong morals and ethical values in the young minds. Hence the revival of this ancient wisdom has become an inevitable need of the hour.

Founder – Visionary
Sri V. Sowmyanarayanacharya
1966 – 2007
Keeping this in mind, VISHVAKSHEMA TRUST established SHREE PARASHARA GURUKULAM, an educational institution, in June 2003, dedicated to educate students in the Vedas, Upanishads, Samskrit language and other ancient scriptures such as Srimad Ramayana, Srimad Bhagavad Gita and other traditional knowledge systems integrated with modern education such as English, Mathematics, Science, Computers etc.
The students are also trained in art, yoga, meditation, music etc. to ensure the all round development of human personality.
The whole course of education for the children in the Gurukulam is provided free of cost including boarding & lodging, text books & note books, clothing and other basic needs. Hence the organization is in need of generous contributions from like-minded individuals and philanthropic organizations.
These contributions will pave way towards creating a new generation of intellectual prowess and spiritual vigor, and ultimately result in making the entire world a better place to live ensuring peace and prosperity.
The Gurukulam Aims:
To deliver a high quality educational program that ignites a passion for knowledge, skills, and values and ensures all round growth of the students in a caring, supportive and positively stimulating environment.
To create young intelligent scholars, academicians and professionals strongly rooted in the Vedic wisdom and the spiritual heritage of India.
To help the children become critical thinkers, life-long learners, responsible citizens and positive contributors to the social uplift.
Admission Procedure and Gurukulam Norms
To join the Gurukulam in Std.- V, the students should be 9 years of age and have completed Std.- IV in English Medium.
Students will be selected based on an entrance test and interview.
They can choose either Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Pancharatra Agama or regular modern education.
Those choosing the Vedic education will be trained rigorously for a period of 9 years.
Students of modern education will be trained in regular academic system up to 10th Standard under the National Institute of Open Schooling (under the HRD Ministry, Govt. of India) within the Gurukulam itself.
They will be sponsored up to Post graduation and even Doctorate level, based on their all round academic excellence and behavioral performance.
Along with that, they will be trained in Samskritam, Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavata, Bhagavad Gita, Stotras, Divya Prabandhas, Vedic rituals, Music, Yoga and various other traditional knowledge systems.
“धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः”
One who protects Dharma, is protected by the same Dharma.